Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blog Post 16

Me and my former Prek Kids
It's hard to believe that one day I will be in a classroom of my own where I can create an environment that invokes learning. I would love nothing more than to start my teaching career as a third grade teacher. Through my observations I realized that third grade is a very pivotal point in elementary students learning. I would be sure that my students succeed in every content area but mainly reading and math. I want to develop strong minds and confident students. Thankfully, EDM 310 has equipped me with new knowledge of technological tools that I plan to incorporate into my class.

In my first blog post I mentioned that I wanted my classroom to be technologically advanced and I still do. I'm just thankful that I now know how to utilize them effectively. I will definitely be incorporating blogging in to my classroom. I know for sure that I would like to have a class blog that my parents and students can follow and remain updated as well as supplying them with resources to help them study at home. For my students blogs, I think I will keep it very very structured. I want their posts to coincide with our reading units and to see how their thinking is developing. I will probably pose a question weekly and allow them time to answer not only in class but at home.

In addition, my students role in my classroom will definitely be increased. Initially, I only thought of my students role in the class as empty buckets that I had to fill up. Now, that is not the case what-so-ever. I to want my students to be their second teacher. Don't get me wrong, I will go above and beyond to teach my students but I want them to be fully engaged and knowledgeable and I plan to enforce this by implementing project based learning. While the activities we completed in EDM 310 were week long tasks, in reality, it is difficult to find that amount of time to devote to one assignment. Therefore, I will have to prepare very well to use my time wisely with my students.

Below is a video of my final reflection of EDM 310. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. "I will have to prepare very well to use my time wisely with my students." You better believe it!

    EDM310 is certainly not a fast food class!

    Well, a fan of C4Ts. One of the few! Great.

    I am delighted that you are using iMovies in your life!

    Keep on blogging! We'll add you as a C4T.
